Our specialists are available to provide direct academic coaching services to students in order to find success in life and school.
We strive to meet each student's unique needs within our ever-changing world of education. We are happy to offer the following coaching services for students and families to support you and your children:
Academic Coaching & Tutoring
Executive Functioning
Do you and/or your child experience frustration around homework, organization, grades, behavior and/or time management? Many students have underdeveloped executive functioning. Executive function skills enable us to plan, focus attention, remember instructions, and manage multiple tasks. Students without mature executive functioning skills have difficulty analyzing, planning, organizing, scheduling, and completing tasks. If this goes uncorrected families can experience constant chaos, tension, and frustration. Educating families, teachers, and schools about the student's executive function skills and how to help children develop strategies to strengthen those skills are essential to success inside and outside of the classroom. Early intervention is key to ensuring strategies and goals are implemented so the family and student feel accomplished.
Academic Coaching services are available in-person or virtually for students from Kindergarten all the way through college.
If you need academic support or management strategies for homework, test preparation, projects, active reading strategies, organization and/or behavior, reach out to CES and let us help.
College Search & Application Support
Is your high school student struggling to decide their interests and priorities after graduation? Are you getting ready for the college application process and already feeling the pressure of deadlines and due dates? CES has the services to move to and through the college application process without the unknowns. CES is here to provide individualized support for your student in developing their post-high school plans whether it's applying to highly selective four-year institutions, pursuing technical training for a skilled trade, or developing a meaningful gap year experience. We offer a personalized, social-emotional approach to put your student first while dealing with all the complexities of college applications.
This service area includes everything from high school course selections for a rigorous future application to choosing extracurricular activities that round out your applicant profile. CES also offers Common App management, SAT/ACT preparation, admissions essay drafting, resume creation and on-site campus tour planning. Let CES work in collaboration with your student to make the most of their time in high school while looking ahead to their options for beyond.
Holistic Family & Parent Coaching
Being a parent is hard, and being a parent with a student in school adds even more difficulty! One area that often comes up with our CES families is who provides support to parents and families while students are receiving resources for educational needs? Parents and families of students are often addressing complex needs like balancing appropriate levels of involvement, navigating academically-related conflicts, and accepting students' choices. CES Holistic Coaching for Young Adults, Parents, and Families is a tool to support you through these, and other, challenging educational topics. Holistic coaching is a necessary option to fill the gap for parents and families.
Holistic coaching honors your intuition, so this approach fosters a just, mutual partnership between the coach and clients. The holistic coaching process:
builds strong intentions
develops purpose action
creates positive impacts on educational and personal goals
CES Holistic coaching has a forward-facing orientation with the goal of giving you a space to focus on yourself in body, mind, and spirit. The most common question you'll hear in holistic coaching is, 'what would be most helpful for you at this moment today in service to your own goals?'
The hope of holistic coaching is that through holding an intentional, curious presence, you will take steps toward the goals you develop for yourself as the parent and family of a student. If you need holistic support or goal-setting strategies for parenting a student, reach out to CES and let us help!